Wellsburg 138 MWGrundy County, IASold to MidAmerican Energy
Macksburg 120 MWMadison County, IASold to MidAmerican Energy
Vienna 150 MWMarshall County, IASold to MidAmerican Energy
Laurel 120 MWMarshall County, IASold to MidAmerican Energy
Barton II 80 MWWorth County, IASold to Iberdrola Renewables
Barton II 80 MWWorth County, IASold to Iberdrola Renewables
Winnebago 20 MWWinnebago County, IASold to Iberdrola Renewables
Top of Iowa III 30 MWWorth County, IASold to Madison Gas & Electric
Top of Iowa II 80 MWWorth County, IASold to Iberdrola Renewables
Top of Iowa 80 MWWorth County, IASold to Shell Energy