Barton Wind Farm

Project Name
Barton Wind Farm
Midwest Renewable Energy Corporation
Iberdrola Renewable Energies
80 MW
Approx 3 miles east of the Town of Kensett, Worth County, Iowa
Site Area
Approx 8000 acres of cropland consisting of over 50 separate parcels of land
Generating Equipment
40 Gamesa G87 2MW turbines on 260 foot tall tubular towers
Balance of Plant Facilities
12 miles of underground electric and data collection cable, 10.3 miles of gravel service roads, 1 permanent MET towers, a single 161kV substation shared with Barton II and a single shared O&M Building
Approx 450 cu yards of concrete; 34 tons of reinforcement steel
Job Creation
Approx 96,000 person-hours (or 75 people for 8 months) during construction; 5-6 long-term operational
Local County Taxes
Approx $30 Million over 25 years
Ground Breaking
May, 2008
Commercial Operation
June, 2009